Hits: 78
Written by ValH on October 14th, 2021

Anshar Studios’ post-launch roadmap for their cyberpunk detective RPG Gamedec promised us three major updates before the end of the year. The first of those is now here, fixing a heap of language issues, improving the game’s performance and music quality, and dealing with a bunch of minor bugs.
Here are the patch notes:
Hello, gamedecs!
It’s been three weeks since you can solve crimes in Virtual worlds, and well… it was intense! Thanks to your support, we’ve been working hard on fixing bugs that you reported for the last couple of weeks. Your feedback is vital to us, so we thank you and encourage you to continue to send us all the comments and ideas you have for the Gamedec.
The most important thing we are fixing with this patch is solving all known language issues. Besides, we have improved performance, SFX’s, polished up the sounds and many many more – see the full patch notes below.
We would also like to remind you that we are still working on the development of Gamedec. We are sticking to the recently presented roadmap, so expect more patches soon.
- All known language issues should be completely fixed.
- Improved the quality of in-game music.
- Fixed the overall SFX issues.
- Improved the overall quality of SFX.
- Improved the overall performance issues and optimized the CPU/GPU usage.
- Fixed a bug when V-Sync could not be disabled using in-game options and still capped the FPS.
- Added the quick save button in the controls settings menu.
- Fixed numerous bugs affecting the playthrough and logic errors preventing players from proceeding.
- Fixed various 3D graphics bugs.
- Screens with key binding – fixed in all languages.
- Adding smooth animation for dialog entry and exit.
- Fixed some music issues on loading screens.
- Fixed missing Codex entries.
- Only high priority Codex entries get an exclamation mark at the beginning of the game
- Fixed missing dialogue options throughout the game. A number was present, but there was no line after.
- Fixed text scaling issues in NPC’s speech balloons.
- Fixed the NPC occlusion on Paradise Beach.
- Fixed most of the issues with gender tags.
- Deduction scales well to different aspect ratios.
- Fixed crash which sometimes occured on loading screen between levels
- Exiting farm on Harvest Time won’t crash the game anymore.
- Fixed an issue when, after talking to suspicious NPCs, meeting them at the Umbra House on Knight’s Code is impossible.
- It’s no longer possible to get inside Umbra’s house without a key in Knight’s Code.
- The tutorial appears correctly when it is turned on in the menu and no longer appears when the player turns it off.
- The “Rheistic Systems” counter is now counting tips correctly [Fallen Hero]
- Bug fixes on levels where lighting didn’t work correctly.
- Fixed a crash during autosave while entering the theater.
- Fixed animation of Jester entering the portal.
- Fixed a blocker in interaction with Kid when Nanette appears.
- Gamedec won’t run around with a gun after shooting Herman in Twisted & Perverted.
- The pistol disappears properly after your gamedec dies in Twisted & Perverted.
- Fixed an error when talking to Blazin’ Dakota on Harvest Time that caused Akce Thomson to fall under the map.
- Fixed an issue with the couch that did not have the option to teleport to Harvest Time.
- Fixed the leveling bug on Twisted & Perverted.
- Fixed the bug where loading the game from a save causes items from disappearing from the HUD in Knight’s Code.
- Poteto Gomuin in Knight’s Code counts as an item and is not added to the total number of Gomuin.
- Collecting resources before the proper option appears no longer leads to a block in the quest in Knight’s Code.
- Fixed the occasional significant loss of floor cardboard quality in Haggis Office.
- Fixed the saves thumbnails – they are no longer semi-transparent so that you won’t see the question mark in the background.
- Fixed a bug when transforming from cat to human too close to the bridge railing caused the gamedec to fall under the map.
- Improved the shadow capsules quality for some of the characters.
- In the deduction, the Tip information box opacity was too high. Fixed.
- Fixed an issue when tutorial for minigame with glitches showed up when minigame hasn’t started yet.
- Fixed dialogue with Starlett where she tells Gamedec where she took the boys. She did that twice on different occasions, which wasn’t necessary.
- Fixed an issue with The Outlaw’s favor bar. It was tilted as if we’ve got her trust, but we haven’t.
- Fixed an issue when after the duel with the Sheriff and returning to the farm, Gamedec was still holding a gun in his hand.
- Fixed an issue in Twisted & Perverted, where the street sounds do not fade back in after the respawn.
- We politely asked the Unicorn from Twisted & Perverted not to spawn on the player, blocking the player’s movement. You’re a Unicorn, not a troll FFS.
- Fixed collision boundaries on Axis Mundi, a player won’t cross the bridge into the nothingness and roam freely between bridges.
- You won’t be able to talk with Wild Poppy after she disappears anymore [Harvest Time].
- Fixed missing dialogue lines with the Sheriff on Harvest Time
- The logs to the right of the bridge in Knights Code are now active.
- In Knight’s Code – suspects should no longer return to the starting point if we have started a quest to eavesdrop on them and then skipped a cycle.
- Fixed an issue when a quest on Harvest time doesn’t update correctly if you get the clues before going to the farm.
- Fixed the Apartment issue – If you saved the game after rejecting a call from Haggis, that causes him never to call Gamedec again.
- Fixed the UI in Knight’s Code.
- Fixed clipping issues on Harvest Time.
- You can no longer click on a pumpkin on Harvest Time and then walk during a dialogue.
- You can no longer save/load the game to buy free strawberries.
Important notice regarding Torkil Aymore skin DLC – if you bought it and you can’t make it work, please get in touch with Steam Support; they should help you. In the Steam Support tab choose the following options: Gamedec -> DLC or bonus content is missing -> DLC -> I need help installing DLC for this game -> I’ve checked my setting and I’m still having trouble installing my DLC -> Contact Steam support
Last but not least – we were informed that soon some spooky things might happen in Warsaw City, so remember to visit Harvest Time and collect some pumpkins. They can be helpful.
At this point, that’s all. We hope that the time spent in Gamedec’s shoes will be even more enjoyable now.
Take care and stay safe!
Team Gamedec
Gamedec Patch v1.1 Now Live
Source: Hopefull Philippines
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