Hits: 151
Written by ValH on December 7th, 2021

Whalenought Studios released their cyberpunk RPG Mechajammer earlier this month. And seeing how the game is currently sitting at “Mixed” Steam reviews, it’s not yet time for laurel resting. As such, we get this announcement outlining some upcoming improvements that include controller support and rebindable keys. And then, we also have the game’s first patch.
Here’s what it fixes:
Hot on the heels of Friday’s hotfix (and a look at the Road Ahead in terms of upcoming updates), today we’re rolling out V1.01 of Mechajammer, bringing with it a big ol’ list of fixes and improvements to the game.
Many of these issues have been surfaced (and subsequently fixed!) off the back of your reports and suggestions, so a hefty thank you to those of you taking the time share feedback. Below the patch notes, you’ll see names from key members of the community who have helped us with this endeavour. We hope you enjoy basking in the limelight of the Patch Notes as a reward.
Ok! Here’s what you can expect from 1.01:
Design fix:
- Give every background the option of having no flaws (flawless options does not include studies bonuses)
- Remove being injured from failing rolls that had zero dice (for example when opening/breaking boxes)
Graphics fix:
- Scale-up ground items and outline added, so that they can be interacted with more easily
Bug fixes:
- Hard-lock bug when using quick save feature fix
- Constant flee with PTSD disadvantage
- Music track switching fix (usually appeared during save)
- Prevented instances of player falling through floors in cars
- Police called even when not seen by MFI scanners
- Bag doesn’t open immediately when talking to companions
- Issues with selling items merchants
- You can move items around in merchant bags to make more space
- Merchants refresh their stock every time you talk to them
- Labels should now show on map
- Player starts with a chained weapon if it’s their highest dice pool
- Merchants stand in the light
- PTSD proc-ing after every action instead of after failed roll and also adjusted disadvantage outcome – player doesn’t flee, just freezes in place for 10 turns
UI fix:
- Menus updated with option to return to main menu
Balance Fix:
- Improved balancing of Disadvantages
- Made Head Injury penalty is now 2 turns instead of 3
- Decreased roll odds for Exhaustion and Two Left Feet (rolls every hour)
- Adjusted damage for range weapons to balance non-melee builds
- Tweaked balancing of early enemies with respect to difficulty
Map fix:
- Instances of missing textures fixed
- Merchants now have new items
- Added more chemical pools in order to make Chemistry a more useful Skill
- The Mechajammer OST is now live on Steam!
Mechajammer – The Road Ahead and First Patch
Source: Hopefull Philippines
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