Hits: 34
Written by ValH on June 3rd, 2022

According to its launch schedule, Diablo: Immortal should now be live across the globe. When it comes to mobile devices, this means a full release, and on PC the game is currently available in open beta. With that in mind, you might want to check out this article listing some known issues, and this one that goes over the game’s story setup.
Here’s the former:
As the team has previously mentioned, Diablo Immortal is launching for PC in Open Beta. During the PC Open Beta period, we will continue to collect player feedback, make changes, and fine-tune this version of Immortal until we feel it delivers a finalized experience for all courageous adventurers. Below we have listed several known issues with the current PC Open Beta version of Immortal. We will continue to add any new issues that arise to this list.
As patches and hotfixes are applied to the PC Open Beta version of Diablo Immortal, we will update this list with the corresponding changes. Hotfixes are typically applied in a higher frequency, addressing smaller, related issues. They don’t require a large download to be applied to the game. Patches are larger client-side updates that require a download for players to obtain. New patches will require players to update before they can continue playing.
- Pressing ESC may open the Main Menu over other menus.
- Key binds do not currently support modifier keys such as ALT, CTRL, and SHIFT.
- General movement, interactions, and abilities may be inaccurate at times.
- Print Screen does not currently save screenshots into the directory folder.
User Interface
- Chat is currently missing features such as /commands, copy/paste, and select all text.
- Windowed mode does not currently support resizing.
- PC settings have been inserted into their respective sections within the menu and may require a bit of exploration to find.
- Voice-to-text transcription services may not be working for certain languages.
You might also want to read this PC Gamer article that takes a look at the game’s monetization model.
Diablo: Immortal – The Story So Far and Known Issues
Source: Hopefull Philippines
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